

EOS Med Chem, Medicinal Chemical is Big linkers embody

EOS Med Chem, Medicinal Chemical is Big linkers embody a wide range of structures and functionalities, designed for the conjugation of a broad spectrum of antibodies and toxins. More importantly, our linkers allow the conjugation process to be performed in a precise and controlled fashion, easing the batch-to-batch product manufacturing and quality control. We use conventional chemistries to provide customized design and synthesis of linkers to support your drug development. For more information and structures, please visit our website.

Products NameCAS No.PurityQuantity available
Val-Cit-PAB95%mg - 500g
Fmoc-Val-Cit-PAB95%mg - 500g
Fmoc-Val-Cit-PAB-PNP95%mg - 500g
Phe-Lys(Trt)-PAB95%mg - kg
Fmoc-Phe-Lys(Trt)-PAB95%mg - kg
Fmoc-Phe-Lys(Trt)-PAB-PNP95%mg - kg
Ala-Ala-Asn-PAB TFA salt95%mg - kg
Fmoc-Ala-Ala-Asn-PAB-PNP95%mg - kg
Py-ds-Prp-OSu95%mg - kg
Py-ds-dmBut-OSu95%mg - 100g
Py-ds-dmBut-OPFP95%mg - 100g
Py-ds-Prp-OPFP95%mg - kg
MAL-HA-OSu95%mg - kg
MAL-di-EG-OPFP95%mg - kg
MAL-tri-EG-OPFP95%mg - kg
MAL-tetra-EG-OPFP95%mg - kg
N3-di-EG-OPFP95%mg - kg
N3-tri-EG-OPFP95%mg - kg
N3-tetra-EG-OPFP95%mg - kg
ALD-BZ-OSu95%mg - kg
ALD-di-EG-OSu95%mg - kg
ALD-tetra-EG-OSu95%mg - kg
ALD-di-EG-OPFP95%mg - kg
ALD-tetra-EG-OPFP95%mg - kg
PHA-di-EG-OPFP95%mg - kg
PHA-tetra-EG-OPFP95%m kg